With conditions and requests of government officials changing rapidly our CT Campus will be closed. Please stay tuned to our FB page for current scheduling updates.
Barring confirmed, local escalation of COVID-19, we will plan on an outpouring of the Holy Ghost with Rev & Mrs Justin Gleason on Sunday, April 5 (Palm Sunday) @ 10:00a and an historic, record-breaking Easter Celebration on Sunday, April 12 @ 10:00a!!
Your faithful support of Cornerstone Tabernacle is deeply appreciated! You may continue your practice of stewardship anytime online @ https://www.cornerstonetab.com/give or text 573-250-7441.
Should you be unable to attend these services in person, you may also send your stewardship via the postal service to;
Cornerstone Tabernacle UPC
3516 N. Westwood Blvd
Poplar Bluff, MO 63901